Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Zero-day Exploit in Microsoft Imaging Software

There’s a new zero-day exploit (meaning it was found out in the "wild" first, not by a researcher) for the graphics engine behind IE, Windows Explorer, and the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. There’s no patch yet, so think twice about web sites you don’t trust or pictures you get via email. All you have to do to get exploited is go to a web site with a special image file or open a *folder* with a special image file in it. You don’t even have to open the image itself.

This is a worst-case scenario for Microsoft.

If you haven't given Firefox a try yet, today might be a good day to do so.


Greg McConnell said...

Well, this post finally spurred me to upgrade my Firefox to version 1.5. I've been meaning to do this for quite some time now...

lisa :) said...

Well, here's a long overdue thanks for preaching the glories of Firefox. Last month our computer at work went down and the tech guy rebuilt the whole thing and Firefox was installed on it. Since I've read all your stellar recomendations I started to use it. I didn't think I would notice much of a difference but I liked it so much better than IE or Netscape that I convinced my coworkers to make it the default browser and made Tony download it on our home computer too. My DOS loving Dad's even starting to use it. What can I say? You made a convert out of me (...and my lab, and my husband, and my parents...)

My name is lisa and I use Mozilla Firefox.