Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Ring Ring, Flush

You know, I've carried my cell phone into the bathroom before. Heck, it has even rung while I was in the bathroom before. But never, in my five-year history of owning a cell phone, while staring at that pearly white urinal with the pink urinal cake and blue rubber splash mat, have I felt the need to *answer* my cell phone. Here is the rough transcript of the conversation I overheard yesterday:

*obnoxious ring tone*
"I'm still at work."
*water splashing*
"Yeah, I'm leaving soon."
"Okay, love you, bye."

In other news, we're shopping for a new cell phone plan. Any suggestions?

Wiretapping, FISA, and the NSA

Here's a *very* interesting in-depth article about the legal issues surrounding the whole NSA wiretapping deal that is being reported to death by the media right now. The article is written by a former head of the Justice Department's computer crime unit.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Toy

This has been keeping me busy (and out of trouble) lately.