Monday, October 17, 2005

Damn the Poor, Help the Rich!

Got your attention? Good.

Sounds like our government is at it again, this time we're going to cut spending on programs that help the poor, particularily the people most affected by the gulf hurricanes, and we're going to simultaneously push through some more tax breaks for the wealthy. Because, you know, that'll help the poor suffering people in the gulf. Somehow.

Sometimes I think more effort is spent helping those playing golf, not those in the gulf.

Sojourners has more information, including a way to call your senators and representative and tell them to show moral responsibility in the budget. And don't let anyone convince you that this is somehow going to benefit anyone except the wealthy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jason!

I got this link off Lisa's new blog. How's life? Drop me an email if you get a chance (I've lost track of what yours is these days). Mine is just my first and last name (one word) at hotmail.

lisa :) said...

Really interesting post and site. Thanks for the info! (Good title too - caused an extreme Did-I-Read-That-Right? Double Take)